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Monday, June 4, 2012

Explosive Color Swath

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Here the step:- 
(*PHOTOSHOP* recommended)

1. Create a new layer 
2. Forebackground is DARKGREY and press [ALT]+[BACKSPACE]
3. Go to Filter > Distort > lens Corrector (*
4. To install the filter Go To Photoshop > Required > Plug-Ins > Filters
5. Close preview on Grid > [Vignette : decrease amount] > OK
6. Add a new layer 
7. Click [GRADIENT] > [GRADIENT TYPE : noise] > [ROUGHNESS: 70] > OK
8. Pull down from the Top to Down
9. Press [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[U] > [CTRL]+[T] > Drag the top to handle down
10. Right click > Perspective > Drag the right top up & Drag the left top down 

12. Right click > warp > Create simple curve 

13. Go to Image > Adjustments > levels > push black level to brighter bright & white level to light > OK

14. Add a new layer 
15. Pick a brush 
16. Go to Window > swatches > Pick any colours you want (* better pick 4 diff colour and 2 same colour)

17. Go to Filter > blur > gaussian blur > 75 pixels (* depend to ur choice) > OK

18. [CTRL]+[J] to duplicate layer 2 And Press it 2 times > Select the layer 2 and its copy > press [CTRL]+[E]
19. Press [ALT]+[X] and click Layer 2 copy 
20. Set the previous layer blend mode: [COLOR] 
21. Press [ALT] and drag the previous layer down
22. The top layer blend mode: [SOFT LIGHT]
23. Add a new layer
24. Pick a brush > 60 px brush > Brush panel > Shape Dynamics/[Size jilter: 100%]/[Control:Pen pressure] > Scattering/[scatter: 700% (tick both axes)] > OK
25. Duplicate layer 2 AND hide it
26. At layer 2 > Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur: [5 px] > OK
27. Press [CTRL]+[U] > tick [COLORIZE] > Lightness: [-12 OR match the colour of the HUE] > Saturation: [100] > Hue: [Pick some colour] > OK
28. Layer 2 blend mode: [OVERLAY] 
29. Duplicate Layer 2 copy > Blend mode: [SOFT LIGHT]
30. And your done!!!

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