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Friday, June 1, 2012

Abstract text

Here is the step :-
(*PHOTOSHOP* recommended)

1. Create a new layer with 1920x1080
2. Press [SHIFT]+[F5] and colour: BLACK
3. Create a new layer
4. Create the text with WHITE colour
5. Create a new layer
6. Pick a brush and MAKESURE the hardness is 0%
7. Pick a colour ( your own decision ) and colour it to closed the word
8. Better use 5 types of colour to make it more creative
9. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur > 90.4 pixels
10. Create a new layer and press [SHIFT]+[F5]
11. Dont tick at Preserve Transparency AND click OK
12. Go to Filter > Render > Lens Flare > [Brightness: 100%] , [Lens type: 50-300mm Zoom] and press OK
13. At layer 2 , [Blending mode: Soft Light]
14. At layer 1 , Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur > [Increase the pixels:124.6 example]
15. At Text layer > Right Click > Blending option > Outer glow>[Blend mode: normal] ,[Spread:3 pixels], [Size:40above, below 50]
16. Hide the layer 2 & 1
17. At text layer > Double click Outer glow > Change the colour to WHITE
18. Duplicate text layer
19. At Duplicate layer , Hide the [Outer glow & effect]
20. Rasterize the Duplicate text layer and THEN ,Go to Edit > Transform > flip vertical
21. Create mask on the Duplicate Text Layer , go to [GRADIENT] > hold [SHIFT] tomake a staright line and Drag from Bottom to Top
22. UnHide the Layer 1 & 2
23. Go to Edit > Transform > Skew > Make the shadow for the light
24. Go to Layer 2 and pick brush " BOKEH brush "
25. press [F5] and tick scattering , transfer , protext texture
26. At Brush Tip shape > Spacing > increase to 50% and click OK
27. Brush option mode changed into Normal
28. Use brush Star field.  Download link :(
29. Draw with 2000px then again with other 2000px StarField Brush
30. And Your Done!!!

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